One our favorite venues in Orlando needs your help! Over the summer they put together a gnarly compilation featuring some of the best bands to have ever performed at their venue. For $15 bux you can score 70 killer songs and help support Lou! This man has gone out of his way over the years looking after locals and touring bands so lets spread the love! In march of 2020 Lou was forced to shut his doors due to COVID-19. With no reopen date set and no word on when live music can happen, we need to pull together to help Lou out, bands from all over florida and even out of state have donated tracks to help support Lou!
Please donate more if you can. Keep your local scene alive.

1. A Message From Lou 00:13 2. Free Fall - Uncle Lou's (unreleased) 02:00
3. Fatties - Elon Musk 02:12
4. Rockabilly Bob & Those Damn Punk Kids- Stuck At Home 03:06
5. Swift Knuckle Solution - One Wrong Step 01:42
6. Dial Drive - Going Postal 02:17
7. Some Kind Of Nightmare - Inside Salem 02:03
8. Junior Bruce - Lions Teeth 04:10
9. Summer Spiders - New Flag (unreleased) 02:31
10. 1983 - Iron Fist Rule 01:26
11. Sick Dogs - Red Crusades (Unreleased) 02:53
12. Call In Dead - Fuck Your Yankee Blue Jeans (Live) 02:11
13. Problem Addicts FL - Sunday Morning Porcelain Praying 02:02
14. Fear The Spider - Disillusioned 02:24
15. Our Escape - 3 Steps Back 04:10
16. Piss Test - Gentrify My Balls 01:46
17. RunnAmuckS - The Wilderness 02:18
18. Brunch Sluts - Jackie Gleason 02:11
19. Cloud Rat - Rusting Belt 02:31
20. Tommy Ditolla - In Fire We Burn 01:34
21. The Transdimensionalizers - Wrath Of Shitler 03:33
22. 2AMature - Daylight Debt (Live) 01:40
23. 430 Steps - Wasting Time 01:49
24. Sewerside Bombers - Hit & Run ( On Bum Beach) 03:41
25. The Ludes - Brown Liquor Brown Woman (Live At Lous) 03:01
26. The Longest Hall - Out Of Nowhere 04:31
27. Cowards And Thieves - Luminous Doom 03:24
28. Contol This! - Humble Man 03:25
29. Grabbag - Washed Up 01:10
30. Tommy Frenzy - Split 02:44
31. Love Kills Joy - Do You Wanna Go To Happy Hour 01:53
32. Sinema - Mother Nature 04:26
33. The Areolas - Boner Button 00:59
34. T.V. Generation - Three Legged Dog 02:23
35. Petty Thefts - Amnesia Beach 02:12
36. CanVas - Wheres My Beer 03:40
37. Never Ender - If I Said Was Ok I'd Be Lying 02:29
38. Pangolin - FLH REF FIN 03:58
39. 69 Fingers - 6 of 9 02:11
40. Moat Cobra - Permian 02:50
41. Awesome and the Ass Kickers - Tombstone 01:17
42. Big Jef Special - Drinkin' At Lou's 02:24
43. Forsaken Profit$ - Revenge of the Taco Monster 01:51
44. Suburban Lockdown - Knives And Guns 01:43
45. Destructinomicon - National Sleep Deprivation Conspiracy 02:17
46. Led To The Grave - Crawling Blind 04:48
47. Red Lungs - Am I Being Detained 03:35
48. The J.P.P. - Anti Being 03:25
49. Caribou King - Stoner Boner (Live From Lous) 05:01
50. Ophelia In Daydream - New Flesh (Live At Lous) 02:18
51. Massive Head Wound - Thats It 01:03
52. Crappy Johnny - Hardcore Kids 01:35
53. Ghost Aviary - I Went To The Queen Of The Stone Age Show And All I Got Was This Lousy High (Live At Lous) 03:12
54. Blacklite - Monster 04:00
55. Bear Lake - Between The Lines 03:01
56. Abandon The Midwest - Skyline 02:56
57. Boy Muscle - Snow Queen 02:29
58. Pizza Nightmare - Monster Jam Nightmare 01:12
59. The Robinsons - Reds 01:58
60. Sketchie - Gotta Go 04:30
61. Morte Morbosa - Never Forget 03:41
62. Flagman - Dummy 01:42
63. Yugoskavia - Toast 02:02
64. Miklo Garza - Crescent City Bound 02:35
65. Slumberjack - Mai Tiger Master 03:22
66. Nilsson Mandela - Trophies 02:45
67. Backroom Hooch - Six Gun 02:14
68. Chris Dryfoos - Fog Moon Over Florida 03:21
69. Bongus - Tangerine Sounding, Deep Listening Skin Suit 08:37
70. Party at Lou's!!! 01:51 All sales of this benefit go directly to Lou. Live At Uncle Lous ( A Benefit For Lous LMGA) released August 1, 2020