This is a fucking gnarly comp! Crack open a cold one and blast this shit till your ears bleed. Straight up killer music from gnarly bands coming together for a noble cause. All proceeds from this record go to the Chicago Independent Venue League! Give it a listen and donate if you can!

2. Gravelust - Gravelust 07:02
3. The Mons - Nobody from Nowhere 02:00
4. Pale Horseman - Scourge 06:15
5. Of Wolves - Mens Rea (IZAGUF) 03:39
7. High Priest - The Cosmic Key 05:53
8. Shitizen - Make It Smell 01:28
9. the Hÿss - Disco Frankenstein 05:06
10. Drowns - Graves at Sea 03:37
11. Vronk! - BIG 96 04:05
12. Guiron - Invocation 05:30
13. Downcaste - Suffer the Breath 07:12
14. Nequient - Minotaur 04:54
15. Our Earth is a Tomb - Tempest 07:59
16. Little Dave Merriman - The Devil 01:34
17. Varaha - Cubicle 07:21
18. Boatman's Toll - Fossils 04:51 19. Black Road - Hash King 07:15
20. The Arrivals - I Got Bit (Live) 02:26
21. The Baby Magic - Control Freak 03:54
22. Real Bad Real Fast - Drown the Rat 02:31
23. Team Hoss - Crusader 05:18
24. The Mound Builders - Hair of the Dogma 02:43
25. The Decayed - Bite the Bullet 03:11
26. 2Minute Minor - We've Had Enough 01:28
27. Squared Off - Heroes 03:15
28. Cunj - Sun Sneeze 03:23
29. Self Imposed Exile - Anchor 05:17
30. Atomic Love - Devil Bride 05:43
31. DeepSpacePilots - Space Ghost 06:33
32. Weird Bananas - Monster Mash 02:58
10 volumes in 10 years! The proceeds from this compilation will be donated to the Chicago Independent Venue League!