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Battle Royale RRRV

Short and straight to the fucking point! You are going to have to blast this a few times before your skull can comprehend this onslaught of punk! We are beyond stoked to feature Chicago punks Battle Royale on Vol#1 of our compilation series. Shut the fuck up for the next 44 seconds and prepare hit replay because 'RRRV' fuckin slays. You think that shit was good? Wait till you check out the rest of their discography. Don't be a fool and sleep on this band! 1312

Battle Royale - Chicago

Formed out of the ashes of Chicago Hardcore band Crime Spree, Battle Royale was Jim - guitar, Fabian- drums and Nina vocals. A rough recording of the first written song ' Tomorrow never comes ' was released through social media which also featured Mach, Paul and Danny from Crime Spree playing on the track.

Nina left the band for personal reasons and Tim ( Insult to Injury ) was recruited to do vocals.Rich ( Insult to Injury/ Henry Chinaski ) came on board to play bass and in 2018 the band was complete and released their first demo ' The first four hits ' They began playing numerous live shows showcasing their frantic high energy performance and the sound that pays homage to all the classic hardcore hands that influenced their sound. They went into the studio in 2019 and recorded a full length album, ' Way of the Derelict ' available on vinyl and digital formats. Rich left after to devote more time to Henry Chinaski and Chris ( Bloody Coat Hangers / Chum ) joined to play bass. They shot a video for their single ' Fecal People ' which showed the rabid speed and humor of the band. They recorded again and were on several comps and have shared the stage with local greats as well as The U.S.Bombs, Lions Law, M.O.D. and Skarhead. All long time veterans of the Chicago Hardcore scene, Battle Royale play an intense show that encourages crowd sing alongs and hard dancing.

"Fast catchy songs good for all occasions: drinking. skating. arguing with babymamas. punching your enemies (or maybe nazis like all the cool kids claim to do)" - Battle Royale

"Fast ass beats from south side streets"


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So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

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