Wake the fuck up! It is time to blast some rock'n'roll motherfucka! Check out our neighbors from the north Deadwolff! These crazy bastards hail from Toronto, Canada and know how to party! This is hands down some of the best shit I've heard all year. Pure energy pours out of every song from this release. Dig what you hear!? Pick up the cassette for the low soul shattering price of 6.66! Don't sleep on this band, this shit came out just a few months ago, so expect to hear even gnarlier tunes in the futures! 1312
The New Wave of Heavy Rock n' Roll, Deadwolff is a three piece band based out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 2020, Deadwolff is composed of Thomas Wolffe, on bass and vocals. Bobby Deuce, on guitars and backing vocals. Rawa Brant on Drums. In late December of 2020 Boonsdale Records released the band's debut ep digitally. Though recently, Deadwolff signed with Metal Assault Records, based out of Los Angeles, to release their debut EP on cassette (which is currently available for Pre-order through www.deadwolff.bandcamp.com/merch). Their Video for the single "Double up" was also recently released and can be viewed on several youtube channels.

"The New Wave of Heavy Rock 'n' Roll, Deadwolff is a three piece band from Toronto, Ontario, Canada"
Instagram: @deadwolff.official All purpose: https://linktr.ee/Deadwolff Music video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mwxEv-aOVdI