Wake the fuck up it is time to blast some hardcore! Today we are thrashing our good friends from Luxembourg Devnull! Stop whatever the fuck you were doing and blast 'ACAB' till your ears bleed! Check it out on Vol#1 of our compilation series! This song fucking rules! We love this band and can't wait to hear more from them! 1312 Devnull - Luxembourg
A grown man shoots a child in the back
Fears his life’s on the line
A friendly judge lets him off the hook
The pig will never do time
To protect and serve the elite
Never forget never forgive
There’s no justice just deceit
Never forget never forgive
Riot gear charge a picket line
Never forget
Smell of burnt pork in the air
Never forgive
Watch them beat the homeless time after time
Never forget
Not an ounce of community care
Never forgive
Lying racist sexist homophobic
murdering canicidal sell out
class traitors with a badge
and a gun I wouldn’t piss on
a cop if it was on fire do
yourself a favour and never
talk to pigs Ever

Hardcore band from Luxembourg! https://www.facebook.com/devnulllux "We're a three piece, got two new members since the pandemic. Steve: Bass and vocals. Jean: Guitar and vocals and Stefanos, percussion. We've been very busy since lockdown and are hoping to release some new material in the summer." https://devnulllux.bandcamp.com/