Slymer fucking slays!!! These crazy bastards are from Kiel, Germany and released this brutal album "Blood Party" earlier this month. Honestly this shit sounds old-school as fuck and I dig it. It was difficult picking a favorite track off the record because they all fucking shred but if there was a gun to my head and I was forced to pick I would roll with "Behind scratched Glass " If you are fan of thrash check these bastards out they totally fucking are worth brainwashing yourself with.

1- Intro (00:00)
2- American Angst (01:09)
3- Citizen of the Year (04:00)
4- Whipped Witch (06:08)
5- Vampire Empire (08:18)
6- Behind scratched Glass (10:50)
7- Blood Party (13:20)
8- Phantom Pain (15:55)
9- Dead Dog Durango (17:52)
10- Cannibal Conscience (20:40)
11- To die and drown in blood-soaked Milk (23:15)
12- Hordes of Horror (26:51)
Slymer Is:
Udo Vogel (Bass)
Stefan (Drums)
Nico (Guitars)
Olli (Vocals)