Rip a bong it's time for some sludge! Our good friends from Tampa in Servants of the Mist unleashed "Lessons In Loss" and it totally fucking rules! If ya don't have a bong roll up a blunt because although this release only contains two songs the entire album damn near 20mins! If ya dig sludge and metal we highly recommend you checking these fools out we can't wait to see what they release next year!

1. Black Mold 07:13
2. Disrepair 11:17
Lessons in Loss released October 12, 2020
Music composed, performed & produced by Servants of the Mist.
Lyrics written by Richard Smyth, Jr.
Robyn Holley: Drums
Evan Schaaf: Bass
Josh Rea: Guitar
Jason Schwartzwalder: Guitar
Richard Smyth, Jr.: Vocals
Art & concept by Robyn Holley
Layout & package design by Richard Smyth, Jr.
Mastered by Preston DiCarlo at MasterSound Tampa, Florida