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Lime Ricky

"sk8 punk band from TO having fun 4evez" One year ago today - February 7th 2020 - was likely not a day of significance for most. The blissful ignorance we basked in on that day makes the hellscape we endure 365 days later feel like a lesson in not taking shit for granted. We now see the world through a very different lens. A blurry, cracked and super stupid lens.

One year ago today - February 7th 2020 - was a significant day for the Toronto punk rock band Lime Ricky, as it was the day we released our debut album "Vodka". We played a show so wild and rad that it would likely still be discussed around the water coolers in office buildings everywhere if all the employees still congregated there as opposed to now having to work from home in their pajamas.

The hard work we put into creating the album with the wonderful engineering skills of Andrew Denure, and the blast we had releasing it to the funnest crowd we ever played for at the Bovine Sex Club made putting so much shit on pause almost immediately after such a massive bummer.

However! The 365 days since that party have been filled with productivity, growth, creativity, laughs, several homicides, tax evasion, desecration of historical monuments, the public hangings of our political adversaries, psychological torment, vengeance, revenge, lots of beer, lots of chips and lots of fun.

For everyone who's stuck with us this year thank you so much! If you dig our album, give it a spin. If you've never heard it, give it a spin! If you've heard it and you think it sucks, listen to Rumours by Fleetwood Mac! I'm pretty sure everyone likes that one.

One year eh? Holy cow. Keep it real and stay safe folx! We'll be partying fast and loud again before we know it.


The Ricks


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So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

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