EXPERIMENTAL FINNISH METAL Steel Jungle RELEASED A new album The Golden Cut"

The song – Moonwalking – started it’s birth journey from a 5-timed rhythm of Varis the drummer, next to which the bass-player weaved a gravity-defying riff on acoustic guitars together with Lammin-Soila, powered by meticulously brewed steaming espresso-shots in finely cracked cups.
Listen to "Moonwalking" Spotify: http://spoti.fi/3cAGfKT Apple Music: https://apple.co/3bR9iuv Amazon: http://amzn.to/3r0rk1P Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/album/213383092 Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/album/176411828
The working title of the song was Daidalos, but when the mixing went exceptionally well, the song’s mythology was sacrificed on the face of commercialism. We won’t elaborate more on this cultural heeros.
Mixer/producer Tervo got excited in recording more guitars on top of the floating and frozen sound atmosphere while scraping all Greek traditions away from the song, pushing Lammin-Soila to celestial heights with the sound of his guitar. These reversed verses were recorded in a matured red shed, which is the second most cramped studio in Finland.
On the other hand – the new keyboardist Jusa was allowed to go crazy on his keys, such as is tradition when new bandsmen are shaken down. The old geezers are already worn down, but due to Jusa being the bass-player Juho’s son he still has a slight possibility to have a future with the band. Also when one squints a bit, one can consider him quite handsome.
More of this treat is coming soon when the album ”The Golden Cut” is released in its entirety!
Steel Jungle 2021 - www.steeljungle.org