Crack open a 40oz we are kicking shit off today with New York Punk! Fuck whatever you had planned chug that shit and blast the State! This song is fucking brutal and we can't have enough of it! Beyond stoked we could feature our good friends Necrotic Society on Vol#1 of our compilation series. We have shared the stage with this band in NYC and Skatopia and everytime they fucking light shit up! Do yourself a solid and go check out their discography on bandcamp and make sure you spin that new split featuring: Y.D./Sick Times/Necrotic Society/The Minutes
Necrotic Society - New York, New York

Femminist/political HC punk from NYC.
"Necrotic Society starts in summer 2016 when Alex (Negro HC, YD, Rutto, Bowhead)
moved to NYC from Italy and met JR (Hekla) through an add on Craiglist. The two started jamming for a little and make the base of what will be the sound of the band. Shortly Courtney and Javier (Superdeaf) completed the lineup and in February 2017 released their first DIY s/t 11 tracks album.
Since then NS played tons of show and have the pleasure to share the stage with many many bands such as FU's, HR, No Servium, Decibelious, Disassociate, Killer of Sheep, Dr. Lecter, Crippled Fox, Broken Dead, None above all, Enziguri, Disrejects and many more... In July 2019 released their second work and first Vinyl, a 4way split with The Minutes(NYC), YD (Italy), and Sick Times(Germany) and a few months later their first tour in Mexico."
