Crack open a cold one and light one up today we we are kicking things off with Italian Hardcore! We are beyond honored to feature our brothers from Italy, Negro, on Vol#1 of our 1312 international compilation series. Their song Negro Hardcore is fucking brutal!!! Thrashing guitars, heavy hitting breakdowns, and fast as fuck in your face vocals! Do yourself a solid check out this song!! What? You don't speak or comprehend Italian? Not our fucking problem! This shit slaps no matter what language you speak so give new music a chance! If you dig what you hear go give the rest of their discography a spin. Back in 08' they released a split with Noire Doom that fucking rad as hell. Hopefully we can expect to hear more from them in the future!
Negro - Fano, Italy

Playing fast as fuck since 2014 Negro born and burns in the suburbs of a sad and little Town in the Middle East coast of Italy. Andrei (Throat), Saba (Guitar), Punk B.Lane (Bass) and Pit zello (Drum) joined their anger for the society around them which is build up on lies and Hypocrisy, trying to create something real something that is not manipulate on the logic of business.
Unfortunately the band did only a dozen or less shows in the first 2 years, most of them in Anarchist and Activist Squats.
In 2016 they released their first DIY self titled Demo and in 2018 a Split Tape with Eternal Noire Doom co-produced with Insonnia Lunare record and Scaglie di Rumore. The same year Negro participated to a Tribute Compilation called "come se nulla fosse" recording a Cover, "contro lo stato", of an old school leggend band from Rome Bloody Riot in memory of the singer Roberto Perciballi.
The band is not currently 100% active since the guitarist moved to the States, but they still sharing ideas for new songs with the goal to released an Lp in the early future.