Fuck The Proud Boys! One of our new favorite songs featured on the 1312 comp comes from our good friends Probably Offensive out in Portland Oregon. If this song offends you then you are on the wrong website. This is pure fucking punk rock at its finest! Crack open a cold one and blast this song around the world! We can't wait to check out their upcoming SPLIT and Full Length EP that will be released later this year! One more time.... say it with us... FUCK THE PROUD BOYS!

From the heart of Portland Probably Offensive hits hard with anger and rage against racist scum. Playing from our home built studio we bring you anti fascist, anti racist working class punk rock!
"We built a recording studio in our apartment to start probably offensive. Josh and amber are a husband and wife who have been in many punk bands over the past 16 years, including the whiskey dickers and sidewalk slam. After 6 years of marriage (and never playing music together) we decided to give it a shot and probably offensive was born. All DIY, anti fascist punk rock. Inspired by bands like perkele, oxymoron, rude pride, the oppressed, skinflicks and the Virus. At the moment all instruments and vocals are performed by Josh on the official recordings and amber plays drums and does back up vocals. Other musicians are currently on standby and learning all the material as they are written and released. so, the band will be show ready when covid restrictions lift and shows start happening again. We just released our first 2 songs last week and have more on the way. Plans on releasing a split are in the works and the full LP will be released by summer 2021"