Punking In-Tents II - July 10th & 11th 2021 - Lamar, South Carolina

The Queers
https://www.facebook.com/thequeers The Lettermans
Drunk Buseys
https://www.facebook.com/Drunk-Buseys-224269822329869 Forsaken Profits
Feed Us Snacks
Longshot Odds
https://www.facebook.com/Longshotodds Soda City Riot
https://www.facebook.com/SODACITYRIOT Blue Ricky
https://www.facebook.com/bluerickyband Brandy and the Butcher
https://www.facebook.com/Brandyandthebutcher Shem Creeps https://www.facebook.com/SCFunCore Halebopp Astronauts
https://www.facebook.com/haleboppastronauts Parole Model
https://www.facebook.com/parolemodel Whiskey Warfare
https://www.facebook.com/whiskeywarfare Monster From Outer Space
https://www.facebook.com/TheMonstersfromOuterSpace Les Merry Chevaliers https://www.facebook.com/LesMerryChevaliers 3 Peas and a Poop Symptoms Photos from Punkin In Tents I

"Punkin in tents literally started as my birthday party that got way gotta hand ... like super outta hand .. every year me and a few friends would drive to Ohio for fat Mike's camp anarchy/punk in drublic festival but on the 3rd year covid struck so me and all the festival friends I made decided we weren't done meeting up and experiencing music we love together. I decided I would throw a little show in my friends back yard with 3 bands camp out get fucked up and enjoy a little slice of what we were missing well word spread and it was an avalanche of can my friends band play too so 3 bands and 10-15 people turned into 13 bands, rappers, producers, a food truck and vendors from all over SC, NC, GA, TN, and VA and 130 people showed up from all over which isn't what we were expecting but it lead to meeting all the right people to push this thing to the next level and that's the goal this year then by a stroke of luck patrick north the front man for longshot odds who headlined the first year reached out and said the owner of River Monster records wanted to do an outside event somewhere so I spoke to him told him what it's all about and he was I'm from the start so larry parker has been going through his list of amazing bands and we have compiled a list to blow you away with everything from pop punk to hardcore punk we have something for everyone whether it be Feedus Snacks, 3 Peas and a Poop, and the Drunk Buseys out of Ohio to the Lettermans out of NJ to the Forsaken Profits coming from everywhere it seems, and a slew of South Carolina bands that are a force to be reckoned with the likes of Longshot Odds, Soda City Riot, Brandy and the Butcher's, Halebop Astronauts and honestly more than I can name off the top of my head. We will have vendors food trucks and a professional sound system from danley sound labs provided by A1 Renegade Production out of Atlanta GA. But with all that said I'm throwing this to give people an escape to be surrounded by like minded people who haven't had a show in a year or more and provide bands with a place they want to play every year. Last but not least I'm just a guy who enjoys music way to much with a diy attitude and I did this by networking and building a team of like minded individuals who are all helping me put this together like Heather Hagood who owns the land or Jeremy Dercola who owns the sound and courtnie may who runs sea the spirit who helps maintain the vendors so all I'm saying is get your friends together and throw a show it could lead into something amazing it surely did for me." - Patrick Mahon
Last Years Flyer
