Kicking off the new year with dope music! Texas punks Noogy have dropped two songs off their upcoming album and they both fucking slap! Do yourself a solid and hop on spotify or bandcamp and give these tracks a listen. Good things are to come this year if this is how we are starting it! We have seen these bastards thrash live and performed with them on the road do not sleep on this shit!!! Go brainwash yourself with their old songs and count down the days till they unleash the full album! HARDCORE PUNK/SKA-CORE FROM DALLAS TX. REPRESENT. WE BOUT IT BOUT IT.
Wear a fucking diaper if your going to jam our songs cause your mind is going to be blown out your ass!!!
Teen Idol / 2020 released January 21, 2021 Andre Vorhis - Vox/Guitar Anthony Martinez - Vox/Guitar (Teen Idol) Antonio Val Hernandez - Drums (Teen Idol) Mills Chaiken - Bass (Teen Idol) John Grefer - Bass (2020) Carter Bransom - DJ (2020) Produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Michael Briggs at Civil Audio Cover art/Photo by Michael Briggs Released by Grimace Records. All songs written by Andre Vorhis.