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The Way of Purity "Schwarz Oder Rot"

Fuck yeah! One hour of pure metal! Check out Way of Purity's new album "Schwarz Oder Rot" this shit is heavy as fuck! This album dropped a few months ago so give it a spin and if you dig what you hear check out their other releases Equate and Spectral! 1312

"The Way Of Purity doesn't show off with smart or cool band members. No names, no fancyphotos, no effigy, no trendy musical influences and no nationality. No compromise, no way to talkor get to know us - we are NOTHING. We are a very real and solid message. Most militant bandsin the past have reached a superior level of strength through their message and faith. The Way OfPurity is different. The message about God intended as nature (animals and the perfection of theircreation) is our faith, but the power for The Way Of Purity is a high level of inspiration, self control,and correction of human errors through the inspiration of the animal perfection. We are the hand ofGod, we're here to bring the animals message to the wrong doers in humanity. We are not anorganisation, we are just the potential event in every animal's life. The voices asked us to changethings, giving us the chance of salvation by becoming the hand of God and finding the real way ofpurity. The human race will be brutally exterminated. Animals and Nature will rule the planet againwith their integrity. The Anthropocentric lie has to come to an end and humans have to see theterrifying and piercing effigy of horror that they have inflicted on animals for ages. Humanity is ill,infected with the worst disease that is called Speciesism. "Schwarz Oder Rot" - "Black or Red" isabout your choice. "Black", the end, now.... It's your choice. A quick death by your own hands,without suffering and by choosing the way to die. "Red" go ahead, keep on living and see the endof the world. You'll go through suffering which humans will have to expect in less than 20 years. It'stime to chose... Black or Red! "Welcome to the precarious balance and the ancient code of TheWay of Purity, that might hold the key to salvation... "



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