Kicking off 2021 with a blast from the past! Last Hope Down was one of the fastest fucking bands to thrash the Atlanta scene. Speed Punk at its finest you won't come across anything like this today. Unfortunately these crazy bastards called it quits years ago but thankfully this record appeared randomly on Bandcamp back in 2015 so you can still give it a listen. We had several favorite songs on the album including Weapons of Thrash Destruction, Prison Love, and Atlanta 1137 but our personal favorite was "Prescription Hope"

1. Intro 00:57
2. Kept 02:25
3. Weapons of Thrash Destruction 02:52
4. Just Another Day 02:35
5. Prision Love 01:43
6. American Terrorist 01:57
7. No Inspiration 02:42
8. Prescription Hope 03:13
9. Forever 01:46
10. Atlanta 1137 02:58