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When I Say Jump - Chomsky! Dextro? Music VIdeo

When I Say Jump out of Columbia, South Carolina released a music video back in July and it fucking rules! Chromsky! Dextro? is a killer fucking song from start to finish. Vocals and guitars are fucking on point! Don't sleep on this shit check out their video below:

"[WISJ merges] sharp wit with harsh emotions against a backdrop of charged pop-punk and post-hardcore." -Columbia's Free Times When I Say Jump (@wisjump)

John Davis (@poniboi.wisj) - Vocals

Song Bird (@songbird_wisj) - Guitar, Vocals

Lucas Daprile @lucasdaprile) - Guitar

Jarrod Atkins (@jarrodwisj) - Bass

Jordan Atkins (@jordanwisj) - Drums


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So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

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